How To Get 100 On Scantron
Welcome to my blog, today I want to post interesting news about How To Get 100 On Scantron, I found some sites especially entertainment sites and news discuss about this, here the short summary and picture of How To Get 100 On Scantron.
How To Get 100 On Scantron – : Below is one student’s Scantron sheet for the Intro to Communication exam. At the top you can see that he got no answers correct out of 100. picture of Scantron fail. Michael’s professor sent him an e-mail the following day. Here’s a paraphrase of it: .Miriam You’re right about that limitation of a Scantron, but they are nice when the pressure is on to get your grades in. This next week for exams, I have only one machine-gradable exam mdash my first one on Monday.
Ivman’s Blague How To Fail A Test With Dignity: Many schools are now underStudents take the tests on a piece called Scantron or other forms of it. A Scantron is a leaf, in which 50 questions on each side, for a total of 100 questions and are given multiple choice questions AE
Tag : How To Get 100 On Scantron
good information..but difficully to me…