A Little About The History of Card Counting
Dr. Edward O. Thorp is widely considered to be one of the original card counters. A while back in the 1962 book, Beat the Dealer, Edward Thorp outlined what became the modern foundation of card counting. The book also presented several theories on how anyone could play strategically correct blackjack. Many people feel that Edward Thorp was ahead of his time and he was one of the first people who knew this talent who actually published his theories and allowed everyone to read them.
You might recognize another famous person in the card counting business – Andy Bloch. In today’s widely publicized poker tournaments you’ll see him everywhere. What you might not know is that he was also part of the M.I.T. blackjack team and subsequently released a card counting DVD system called Beating Blackjack. Andy Bloch was featured in the 2005 blackjack documentary “The Hot Shoe”. In this documentary Layton interviews several card counters such as Edward Thorp and Andy Bloch to gather more information on it. Whenever they were making the movie Layton used the knowledge and insight that he received from the interviews and gambled $5,000 of the film budget.
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