Google Apps Marketplace
I want to post interesting news about Google Apps Marketplace, I found some sites especially entertainment sites and news discuss about this, here the short summary and picture of Google Apps Marketplace.
Google Apps Marketplace – : Google just launched a new Google Apps Marketplace where users can discover and deploy third-party cloud applications that integrate with their existing Google Apps accounts.
Google Apps Marketplace Integrates Third-Party Cloud Apps With: At tonight’s Campfire One, we launched the Google Apps Marketplace, to make it easier for you to create applications that integrate deeply with Google Apps, and give you access to our more than 2 million businesses and 25 million Google
Tag : Google Apps Marketplace
Thanks for input, i had one doubt, This is also similar to ad sense
This is good news for an online business because it provides a great opportunity to increase revenue.
Thanks , now i will keep in touch with your blog . I think , the recently launched the Google Apps Marketplace, makes it easier for you to create applications that integrate deeply with Google Apps, and give you access to our more than 2 million businesses . Good update , on google techniques and developments.
By this bussiness-related invention, we could know that recently google is no longer just the smart search engine. Google now becomes a wide solution provider
I still little confuse about Google Apps Marketplace >.<
Can someone tell me more about that?
google aps market place is the best information one would ever look to know about by reading this article
great opportunity to increase revenue at an online business, thanks to google
yes good news for earning.
Thanks , now i will keep in touch with your blog . I think , the recently launched the Google Apps Marketplace, makes it easier for you to create applications that integrate deeply with Google Apps, and give you access to our more than 2 million businesses . Good update , on google techniques and developments.