What Time Does The Mw2 Map Pack Come Out
Welcome to my blog, today I want to post interesting news about What Time Does The Mw2 Map Pack Come Out, I found some sites especially entertainment sites and news discuss about this, here the short summary and picture of What Time Does The Mw2 Map Pack Come Out.
What Time Does The Mw2 Map Pack Come Out – : Its not like if he could say that the map pack isnt worth every penny. Unfortunately there will be a ton of asshole who will buy the pack at 15$ and it will send a message that they can give us crap for 15$ we are stupid enough to buy it:(. Hunam said: March 25, 2010 at 4:27 pm But in causes like MW2 and BFBC2, if you don’t buy it and keep up with the joneses so to speak, your left missing out and looking for a game, because you don’t have that map.
VG247 Blog Archive Bowling: More DLC Coming To MW2, Stimulus: Ive heard that it was to come out on XBOX on Mar. 1, and PS3/PC on April 1, obviously, it has not, since it is already Mar 26. I’m really looking foward to it though, im ready for some new maps!
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yeachh…nice info..