Mom Idol
Welcome to my blog, today I want to post interesting news about Mom Idol, I found some sites especially entertainment sites and news discuss about this, here the short summary and picture of Mom Idol.
Mom Idol – : Handing over the Lennon/McCartney songbook to American Idol: Flatliners Edition was a lot like letting an 11-year-old take a Rolls Royce out for a spin. In fact, the entire first act of the show Tuesday night (April 6) was dedicated to the judges and They are also likely to be confused and a little disapproving of having two daddies instead of a mom and a dad. But I digress. Lee’s performance of Hey Jude was truly hideous. His pitch was worse than Mark Redman’s.
‘American Idol’ Recap: Casey James, The Beatles And A Didgeridoo: I do admit, I watch American Idol. I really didn’t start until a couple years ago, though (my mom was a much bigger fan). Similar in style to the Live Survivor Blog over at Blog Cabins, Idol Chatter (pun and all) will be a play by play
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